Congratulations to Amy for winning a Kahn Family Community Teaming Fund grant!


The Boulder Apple Tree Project and the Reach Lab are happy to announce that Amy Dunbar-Wallis received a grant from the Kahn Family Community Teaming Fund from The College of Arts and Sciences at CU Boulder.

This grant is awarded to individuals from across the arts and humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences to be used for community outreach activities involving faculty, staff, and students from the College of Arts and Sciences. Our proposal to create several “Apple Tree Project in a Box” kits to send to instructors and institutions for use in K-12 outreach events was fully funded! The first kits will be going to the Golden History Museum for their two-day Junior Homesteading Days where students will learn how to measure the sugar content of apples and learn about why sugar content is important for the cider industry.

Lisa Corwin